Life for phone motor
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Lifetime for phone motor depend on the vibration motor you choose?

Life for phone motor

Usually,we use BLDC motor,coin motor ,smt motor and LRA motor for smart phone.


And follow is the lifetime for these motors:

Under the condition  On 1sec/Off 1sec .


The life for as follows show:


BLDC Motor

Coin Motor

SMT Motor

LRA  Motor

2000,000 cycles

100,000 cycles

200,000 cycles


1,000,000 cycles

We can find that BLDC motor can have more than 1000 hours for life time.

This is very nice for urability.

And BLDC motor is widely used in new model.

LRA motor is also very nice. 


When the motor used in smart phone.

The service life of mobile phone vibration motors is influenced by various factors, including temperature, humidity, voltage, load, etc. 

If these factors cannot be effectively controlled, the service life of the vibration motor will be affected and even damaged in advance.

Therefore, in order to extend the service life of the vibration motor on  phones, we should take the following measures:

1. Control environmental temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity are important factors that affect the service life of the vibration motor. Therefore, we should try to maintain the environmental temperature and humidity within the normal range to ensure the normal use of the vibration motor. 


2. Control voltage: If the voltage is too high or too low, it will affect the service life of the vibration motor. Therefore, it is necessary to try to keep the voltage within the normal range to ensure the normal use of the vibration motor.

3. Load control: Excessive load can cause overheating of the vibration motor, thereby shortening its service life. Therefore, it is necessary to control the load as much as possible to ensure the normal use of the vibration motor. 


4. Regular inspection: The working status of the vibration motor should be regularly checked, and problems should be identified and dealt with in a timely manner to ensure the normal use of the vibration motor. In short, in order to extend the service life of the vibration motor on Apple phones, effective measures must be taken to control environmental temperature and humidity, control voltage, control load, and conduct regular inspections to ensure the normal use of the vibration motor.