How you choose mobile phone motor v
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When you choose mobile phone,Will you choose phone motor vibration da da da or buzzing

Some Knowleges about Mobile Motor


Do you like dadada or buzz vibration of mobile phone.

一、 Classification of vibration motors


1. Eccentric Rotating Mass ERM motor


If you often look at the disassembly drawing, you can know that the rotor motor is the component similar to the reduced version of the 4WD motor under the battery. It uses the eccentric rotor in the motor to realize vibration. The time from the start to the end of the motor is about 60ms, and the vibration amount is only about 0.6Gpp. It makes people feel that they can't start and stop quickly, and the vibration is not timely. The sound performance is the "buzz" that people often tease.


2. Linear motor


It is no longer the rotor that generates vibration, but the voltage drives the moving mass block linked with the spring, and the mass block is vibrated under the resonance of the spring. The starting and stopping time of the linear motor is only about 15ms, which is much faster than that of the device motor. The vibration amount is also much higher, reaching about 1.7Gpp. This is why the linear motor sounds like "Da Da Da Da", which is very pleasant to vibrate. In addition, because the vibration frequency and amplitude can be adjusted, mobile phones equipped with linear motors generally have different vibration effects in different scenarios, greatly improving the user experience. Linear motor can be divided into two

categories, circular linear motor and transverse linear motor.


① Coin linear motor

The coin linear motor uses the Z-axis for vibration, which is mainly circular in shape, so it is also called the circular linear motor/Z-axis linear motor. Due to the limitation of the mobile phone body and its internal space, the circular linear motor is usually smaller in size, short in vibration stroke, and smaller in vibration amount. Its use feel is not as good as that of the horizontal linear motor.


 linear motor

This is the motor vibration system with the best feel at present (provided that the system can keep up with the motor optimization). It is easy to understand from the name that its vibration mode is horizontal, also known as X-axis linear motor. The transverse linear motor was first known as the iPhone 7 series released in September 2016. At that time, people were surprised why the iPhone without the physical Home button could have the same vibrating feel as the physical button. Later, it was discovered that the horizontal linear motor was responsible for the disassembly. Since then, people have begun to notice the vibration experience of mobile phones.

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