XiaoMi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Di
Source: net   Publish Time: 2021-08-18 15:19   1705 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble There is something wrong with my toothbrush (Xiaomi T100), in line with the traditional virtue of frugality to nurture virtue. I still do it myself to trim it, action!

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble 

There is something wrong with my toothbrush (Xiaomi T100), in line with the traditional virtue of frugality to nurture virtue. I still do it myself to trim it, action

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

Find a way to disassemble

In view of the experience gained from dismantling a lot of things before, of course, the first time I came to the forum to find posts. Sure enough, there is a post, but after reading it for a long time, I found that this kind of violent disassembly is not suitable for my current situation, because the disassembly problem will also be taken into account when this product is assembled. Therefore, there must be a normal way of dismantling. I went to Google to ask questions with a mind-bearing mindset. Sure enough, there was a sentence that woke me up: "It can be completely dismantled with one end of force."

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

About 300N of force can be extracted

Interior viewing

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


The vibration motor with waterfroof case(more of this motor info refer to : www.vibratimotor.net) is inside head.

 Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

Problem analysis

As soon as I got it out, I got water in my hand. According to online analysis, this toothbrush is not waterproof well. Therefore, maintenance is mainly carried out around water removal.

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

After blowing reassemble

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble


Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

Push in

Xiaomi Electrical Toothbrush T100 Disassemble

Then install it with 300N force

After removing the water and installing it, charge it quietly. If nothing happens, it should be available tomorrow morning. #Thanks to the BBS#


By ji fei holding limited


Specialist for micro DC motor manufacturer

Information from net
