The difference between a linear moto
Source: JIFEI   Publish Time: 2018-09-18 11:09   2156 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
The difference between a linear motor to a bar motor or coin type motor

The difference between a linear motor to a bar motor or coin type motor

At first, the smart mobile phone is mainly used to provide feedback to the user’s voice, and later with the mobile phone software is more and more abundant, the user experience on the use of increasingly high demand, use sound to provide feedback has been unable to meet the demand of users of intelligent mobile phone. As a result, part of the smart phone began to use the motor to provide vibration and touch, but with the increasingly thin cell phone, the traditional rotor motor can no longer meet the new requirements, so the linear motor came into being.

And what’s the difference between a linear motor and a tradtional bar motor and coin type motor.

Pls refer to as follows:

vibration motor

We can find that the linear motor can make the user feel different vibration sensation according to the different scene, and can send out different subtle vibration on different positions of the touch screen.

And long life time but little current consumption.

It will be the best choose for smart phone.

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