Tech Knowledge for Model Plane Motor
Source: From Net   Publish Time: 2018-09-08 15:48   1779 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
what's model plane motor,how is model plane motor work.

FAQ for model Plane Motor

Q1:What is motor.

Answer: A motor is a component that converts battery power into mechanical energy and drives the rotation of an electric vehicle wheel.

Q2. What is a stator?

Answer:The part that does not rotate when the brush or brushless motor is working. The motor shaft of a hub-type brushed or brushless toothless motor is called a stator. Such a motor can be called an inner stator motor.

Q3:What is a rotor?

Answer:The part of a brushless or brushless motor that rotates when it works. The housing of a hub brushed or brushless toothless motor is called a rotor, which can be called an outer rotor motor.

Q4: What's a carbon brush?

Answer:The brush motor is roofed on the surface of the commutator. When the motor rotates, it transfers electric energy to the coil through the commutator. Because its main component is carbon, called carbon brush, it is easy to wear and tear. It should be maintained and replaced regularly and the carbon deposit should be cleaned up.

Q5: What is a brush grip?

Answer:Mechanical grooves that hold and hold carbon brush positions in brushed motors.

Q6: What's a commutator?


Inside the brush motor, the strip metal surface with mutual insulation, when rotating with the motor rotor, the strip metal alternately contacts the positive and negative electrode of the brush, realizes the positive and negative alternating change of the current direction of the motor coil, and completes the commutation of the brush motor coil.

Q7; What is the phase sequence?

Answer:Brushless motor coil arrangement order

Q8: What is magnetic steel?

Answer:Generally used to call magnetic materials with high magnetic field strength.

Q 9:What is a brush motor?

Answer: when the motor works, the coil and commutator rotate, the magnetic steel and the carbon brush do not rotate, and the alternating direction of the coil current is completed with the commutator and brush of the motor. In the electric vehicle industry, brushing motor is divided into high speed brush motor and low speed brush motor. There are many differences between brushless motor and brushless motor. It can be seen from the name that brushless motor has carbon brush and brushless motor has no carbon brush.

Q 10:What is a brushless motor?

 Answer: direct current of different current direction is provided by controller to achieve alternating change of coil current direction in motor. There is no brush and phase changer between rotor and stator of brushless motor.

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