Our 6mm motor can be used for electr
Source:    Publish Time: 2016-08-11 11:00   2898 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
Jifei's 6mm motor can be used for electronic fish lure.Amasing.

6mm Motor for electronic fishing lure

Our micro DC motor can be used for electronic fishing lure .

Electronic fish lure  is simply a traditional lure vastly improved by artificial light.

It is very popular now as it use battery powered electronic flashers that are inserted inside lure bodies to make them strobe and attract fish. 

Fish can't hit what they can't see,it is effective for fishing.
Our high quality 6mm motor or coin motor asemble to fish lure can help u enjoy your fishing very much.
And why not go fishing in weekend .
By jennifer.
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