Holiday Notice
Source:    Publish Time: 2015-08-30 11:08   15478 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
Schedule during the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World’s Anti-fascist War

Warm congratulations the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World’s Anti-fascist War.

Our holiday time is: 2015-9-5 to 2015-9-3.

Any urgently,pls contact us by email.


To memorize the hardship and the dauntless struggles waged by the Chinese people in the anti-Japanese war, and to demonstrate China's will to safeguard peace and oppose aggression, the standing committee of the National People's Congress in February designated Sept. 3 as the victory day of the anti-Japanese war and Dec. 13 as the memorial day to commemorate over 300,000 Chinese killed by Japanese aggressors during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre, according to Hua.

Japan officially surrendered on Sept. 2, 1945, after the eight-year resistance by the Chinese people. China's anti-Japanese war was an important part of the World Anti-Fascist War.

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